
Please review the Disclaimer section for more details on usage terms and conditions if you plan on installing this extension. The Disclaimer also provides more details on Licensing if you’re planning on distributing, remixing, adapting and/or building upon the original source code.

Current Version

You can download the latest version of the BC Ideas and Utilities by BC Repositories app below. Please note, this is a free download, and you should not provide any payment information in order to download it.

This extension uses the Object Range 61500-61999. If you have any objects defined in this range, you may run into conflicts and I advise you don’t install this extension.

How to Use this App

When you install the latest version, search for “BC Repositories” on the Tell Me search. You will be presented with 2 results:

  • BC Repo - Utilities: Contains a set of tools that can make tasks easier for Users, Developers and System Administrators. From this list, you can Launch individual Utilities. Some utilities also provide pages that are searchable from the Tell Me search. For a full list of utilities, please check this list.

BC Repo Utilities Page

  • BC Repo - Ideas Management: Contains a list of all the BC Ideas that I have implemented so far. From this list, you can Enable or Disable individual ideas, per company. For a full list of implemented ideas, please check this list.

BC Ideas Management Page

If you have any comments 💭, questions 🆘, or anything you would like to share 🗣️, please use the comments section below. You will need a Github account.