About Business Central Repositories and the Author

Hi! I’m Marcelo Borges. A developer at heart and an ERP enthusiast, I’m a Technical Consultant turned into a very passionate Functional Consultant and Solutions Architect.

I have been working with Microsoft Business Central and its former versions since 2005. I have experienced Business Central in both sides of the table: as a System Administrator in end-user companies, and as consultant for Microsoft Partners who resells Business Central. I’ve also experienced Business Central in different countries and localizations: Brazil was the starting point, and that has led me to experience NAV in Argentina, Mexico, the United States, Canada, Switzerland, Germany and Hong Kong as well.

Navision 3.7, nice to meet you!

In my current job, I work mostly as a functional analyst and I don’t get a lot of chances to code anymore, which is one my greatest passions. Even though I really appreciate the business and processes part of an ERP, I’m also very curious and attracted to what’s under the hood.

I had been a NAV developer for around 12 years, mixing in coding with a little bit of functional analysis, when in 2017 I was hired to be a full-time functional consultant… I was a little unsure about that move, but a few months into that position, it was proved that I loved it.

I embraced it, and I have been in this role for the past 7 years, but I never lost touch with the Dev side. Even when we started migrating customers to Business Central, I made sure to keep in touch with AL and all its great transformations.

Now, I code just for fun! 🤓 … and that’s how I started putting this blog together.

About This Website

I have to say, this is the second time I’m giving this blog a go. Maybe I lack discipline to keep on posting, maybe I just lack organization.

In a nutshell, the reason why I’m putting this website together, is to find different ways of coding for BC and sharing knowledge at the same time. I’ve always appreciated a lot all the work other Nav/BC professionals share their work with us, and I’m feeling like it’s my time to contribute back.

The Main Purpose

“To make some BC Ideas come to life until Microsoft can pick them up”

That’s the main purpose of this repository right now: I want to explore a few ideas publicly shared on the Microsoft BC Ideas website and develop them so that other users don’t have to keep on developing them over and over, which is a very common scenario for ideas that have a high vote count.

When I pick an idea to be developed, I’ll try to explain the reasons for choosing it, and what design challenges I’ve faced as well as sharing my thought process for developing things the way I do.

Here’s a teaser on how it’s looking like in BC so far:

The Additional Purposes

Every now and then, while at work, I learn something new: Sometimes it is something brand new, and sometimes it’s just new to me. And I like sharing those pieces and bits of new information with my colleagues. Therefore, I also plan on sharing some of those here.

Lastly, for my Solutions Architect role I have been exploring more and more all products in the D365 Ecosystem, and I have been particularly interested in Copilot, Power Apps and Power Automate. So, as a 3rd potential purpose, I plan on sharing pieces of information on these products.

About the Author

Even thought I have been around BC for almost 2 decades now, I’m not currently very active in many BC networks. You can easily find me on Viva Engage and on LinkedIn, but I’m not very active in other channels.

Here you can find a bio on myself if you’d like to know more about who I am.

You can also find me here:

** Credits to Images:

Last Updated: Aug, 4th, 2024